For Such A Time: Lessons From Esther

Many of life’s most pivotal moments are unexpectedly thrust upon us. Choices must be made and, as much as we would rather not be responsible, we are appointed to answer. These unavoidable decisions often come with personal risk. Risk, that if allowed, can paralyze us with fear. 

As creatives, we realize the need to enter into these decisions with unique perspectives. Change the color, the shape, or the viewpoint and you have an entirely different situation. Yet, sometimes fear’s spiral prohibits us from offering all that we are and can be when the time has come to answer. We freeze and fail to see anything more than what is right in front of us. Our creativity becomes unimpressively wooden. How do we prepare for these unexpectancies? Can we? 

Like it or not, there will always be unknown factors. But there are ways that we can prepare our heart, mind and character prior to the storm. Attention to these personal areas may not solve all of our problems but will help us to stand strong when our time of decision has come. 

History is replete with individuals called to make decisions about dilemmas outside their control or choosing. These defining moments impact their lives and that of the surrounding world. One such individual-of-note was an Old Testament Queen, Esther.

In the seventeenth book of the Bible, we find her story. It isn't long and we never hear of her again. However, it is important. The existence of a people hinged on her courageous obedience to the Most High. Bearing no mention of God, the book of Esther seems a curious choice to be included in Scripture. Upon closer examination, though, we see the working of God between the lines; on every page of the book. 

Her tale begins much like any other young Hebrew lady in ancient Susa. Raised and nurtured by her cousin, Mordecai, Esther's life is unexpectedly interrupted when the King of Persia begins a search for a new queen. He expands his options by collecting beautiful maidens from across his empire. Before there is time to respond, Esther, like so many others, is taken into the palace without the prospect of ever returning. 

Against her upbringing she is forced to hide her identity and participate in one of history's greatest beauty pageants. In spite of the odds, Esther's character shines and continues to shine as even greater obstacles come her way.

If you wish to better understand the nuances of Esther's tale, we suggest taking a few moments to read the eight chapters of this short book in the Bible. All caught up? Let's continue to recount her story by way of lessons learned.

Take Note of Counsel

Heeding the counsel of others is an important theme in Esther's narrative. It required her humility; it required patience of her. From the eunuch in charge of the harem all the way up to the king she finds favor in the eyes of all who come in contact with her. 

Even after being taken from her home she showed great respect for her cousin and upbringing. Concerned for her safety, Mordacai asked that she tell no one about her heritage. This included assuming a new name (her Hebrew name was Hadassah). She willingly submitted to his wise counsel.

Meanwhile, actively learning through the advice of those God had placed around and over her in the palace.

A Thought to Ponder: What about you? Are you teachable? God has given you unique and varied levels of ability. Delight in them but don't fall prey to the idea that you are above learning from others. Make time to learn from wise counsel.

Control Your Composure

In light of her situation, the way Esther conducts herself speaks highly of her character. She gains favor and ultimately the crown through a winsome spirit. She could have bemoaned her captivity but she chose to act gracefully. Esther could have stirred up strife and dissatisfaction among those in the harem but she chose contentment and peace. 

One would think that eventually being chosen out of so many would bring the end of the problems facing Esther. But this isn't a fairytale. After becoming queen, Esther didn't live happily ever after.

While living inside the palace, once again going about the routine of the day, she was confronted by a choice that would test her loyalty to the king, her cousin, and the empire. But more than loyalty lay at stake; her safety and the lives of her people awaited her response.

Not a single person in the palace knew of her Hebrew heritage. But, when the decree is sent throughout Persia to kill and annihilate ALL Hebrew people, Esther must choose to either stay silent or risk death by approaching the king unsummoned. Talk about risk and paralyzing fear! 

A Thought to Ponder: How do you respond when your plan is challenged by change? Are you vocal about your discontent to those around you? Though hidden from human sight, God ultimately has a plan that utilizes these changes. He never wastes our experiences and is crafting your story amidst the undesired. Before voicing your irritation, consider the impact the delivery of your words may have on a listening world. 

Count To Ten… And Pray Some More

Esther is called upon to make a decision and be responsible for the lives of countless Hebrews. What does she choose? She chooses to wait. 

Esther implores all the Hebrews in Susa to fast with her and her attendants for three days. Then she will go before the king, risking death, to plead for the lives of her people. Such bravery would require reflection and preparation before walking boldly into the presence of the king.

Three days of fasting: a period of silence and waiting, planning a banquet for the king, and preparing for what could be her last moments on earth. 

Esther was willing to risk her life to stand in the gap for her people. However, the words were not spoken all at once. Revealing her request to the king would require restraint and wisdom. In fact, two banquets were necessary before the timing was right. All the while her people prayed. Then came the time to stand and make her petition known. As a result, lives were saved. 

A Thought of Ponder: When faced with a dilemma do you commit yourself to a meaningful time of prayer? Do you recruit fellow believers to pray with and for you? Scripture is clear that there are battles impacting our lives of both physical and spiritual natures (Ephesians 6:12). To face these challenges unaided is to boast of our own sufficiency and to often fail. Connecting with fellow believers during times of prayer reminds us that we are not alone; communally coming before the Father as our ultimate source of strength. 

In Conclusion

We may not be called to stand before a king or rule a nation but we are called at unexpected times to make choices. What can Esther teach us about preparing our heart, mind and character during these times? 

Her life reminds us to take note of wise counsel. These words of wisdom can be derived from Scripture or lives that reflect its truth. Seeking godly advice empowers and encourages us as we evaluate what to do next. They will bring peace instead of fear.

Meanwhile, control your composure. God is still working behind the scenes. Though you may not see Him moving in the shadows, others are watching your reactions. Be emotionally truthful but don't conduct yourself as one without hope. 

Rather, wait upon the Lord and reach out to Him in prayer. In drawing close to our Savior, we are never far from the source of hope, strength and peace. He will sustain you as you take your daily stand. After all, He created you "for such a time as this."

Jeremy & Anda Miller

Jeremy and Anda have trusted the Lord through several seasons of life and ministry. Over the last 18 years, God has called them to make three states and two countries home while serving Jesus. More recently, their prayers have led to the founding of Poiema Visual Arts. Together, with their son, the Millers make their home in Lancaster County, PA.




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